Seven Solutions aims to measure and evaluate the real time requirements and RT-QoS. Through the incorporation of Time Sensitive Networking-based techniques, Seven Solutions brings robustness and reliability to Ethernet by offering IEEE standard communication technology with mechanisms to enable the coexistence of critical and best effort data within the same network. To make these improvements, Seven Solutions will deal with bandwidth reservation for critical traffic and by using a common notion of time, Seven Solutions will provide traffic scheduling.
7SOLS has a wide expertise in timing and ultra-accurate synchronization, and Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a branch of activity for the company. The company is working on a hard deterministic latency TSN solution. Consequently a Time-Aware traffic Shaper scheme is followed instead of the classic tow-queue Credit-based shaper one. The study of the state of the technique in order to develop the TAS have been carried out. TSN implementation has started and first point-to-point tests are currently in progress.